Shooter, which was originally first titled Sukha Kahlon, is a Punjabi movie that is an action film directed by Dilsher Singh and Khushpal Singh. The movie was officially released on January 14, 2022, but it was banned after its release. The movie is based on the infamous gangster Sukha Kahlwan who was known widely across the nation for being involved in crimes like murder, extortion and kidnapping. But he was murdered by another gangster while he was on his way to jail after the court hearing.
The “Shooter” movie was opposed by both the state governments of Punjab and Haryana. The former chief minister Amarinder Singh ordered the ban of the movie by saying it “promotes violence, heinous crime, extortion, intimidation and criminal intimidation”.
But even after many obstacles, the film managed to get permission, and it was eventually released again on February 4, 2022.
Overview of the Punjabi Movie Shooter
The film producer KV Dhillon expressed his joy and excitement by saying “I want to thank God and the judiciary for allowing our film to be screened in theaters, I am happy for our entire team. Everyone waited for this day. And finally after two years this day has come.”
It is said that there have been no major changes in the film and. Dhillon even shows his surprise with his words, “We haven’t made any changes to the film, but there are some additional surprises that you will know when you will see this film in theaters. Yes, there are some cuts, which are not noticeable. Huh.”
The producer has also shared his opinion Commenting on Captain Amarinder Singh’s statement of ‘promote violence’, by saying, “We respect his opinion, but only after watching the 3-minute trailer, one can’t judge. I believe it is important to know the full story before saying anything. We are here to create and promote entertainment, nothing more.”
He also added “We are not showing any violence. Movies are made of things that happen in society, so we haven’t made anything that people don’t know about nor is it something that hasn’t been shown on the big screen before. It is a simple action film that you can enjoy with your family.”
Details of Punjabi Movie Shooter
Dilsher SinghKhushpal Singh
KV Dhillon
Written By
Wahid Brothers
Gurpreet Bhullar
Deep Jandu
Bharat S Raawat
Gagan Randhawa
Post Solutions
Production Company
Geet MP3
Worldwide Distribution
Omjee Star Studios
Thriller, Action
Release Date
14 January 2022
Running Time
2hr 23min (143minutes)
IMDb Rating
Trailer of Punjabi Movie Shooter 2022
Star Cast of Punjabi Movie Shooter 2022
Star Cast
Sukha Kahlon
Jayy Randhawa
Vadda Grewal
Shubh Sandhu
Victor John
Where to Watch the Punjabi Movie Shooter 2022
Now, the movie is out to watch in theaters. You can now book tickets for the movie shooter and enjoy the thrill on the big screen. Either you can book tickets through online platforms like Bookmyshow or go directly to cinema halls to purchase tickets from the counter. The movie is the most anticipated one in the history of Punjabi cinema, and it is going to get a warm welcome, and the IMDb rating of the movie gives an idea about the same.
Can I Download Punjabi Movie Shooter 2022
The OTT release of the movie is not yet announced, therefore, there is no legal online platform available to watch or download the movie. However, illegal sites like Filmyzilla , Telegram , Filmyhit, mp4moviez, Dailymotion, Filmywap , Okjatt, Tamilrockers, worldfree4u, Downloadhub , Gomovies , etc. But these illegal sites contain malware and malicious content and using them can land you in jail or cause you a heavy fine. Therefore, it is advised to use legal sources to watch the Punjabi movie Shooter or any other movie for that matter.
Also, make sure you don’t end up clicking on any irrelevant links, especially those which look somewhat suspicious. It is advised to use a VPN if you have to use any torrent website.
Disclaimer – We here at FamousBollywood do not encourage or endorse pirated content and illegal websites that offer to download or watch movies, TV shows, and web series for free. The information used here is meant for the awareness of readers. We always advise our readers to condemn piracy and promote the use of legal resources.